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Artizan Designs

Artizan Designs produce a fairly small Dark Ages range which covers Arthurian, Carolingian, Moor and Viking warriors.

They are nicely sculpted with some good poses and crisp detail. The figures are on the small side when it comes to 'heft' but can be mixed with most other ranges quite happily unless you are very picky!

Figures come with shield but spears are not included.

This photo shows an Artizan figure on the left with a Crusader Miniatures figure on the right.

Here we have Artizan on the left with Foundry on the right.

Next up is Artizan compared with a Gripping Beast plastic figure.

And Artizan on the left with Redoubt on the right.

Here is Artizan compared with Renegade on the right.

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