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Halloween wouldn't be Halloween without my favorite Pumpkin Seeds

Halloween time

First off I have to say that I feel a little guilty not decorating for Halloween this year. Habtamu (my sweetie pie neighbor) came running into my house and asked "where are the bones?" No bones this year. So, here is our butler that we usually have up (along with boxes and boxes of other stuff) during Halloween. This is at the old house and looks like we were just unpacking him for Halloween. So what did I do this year?


We bought two pumpkins just for the seeds. I have to make my seeds. I felt a little guilty so I started to carve one of them. I had an idea to do "Food" on one of them and "Buzz" on the other. I thought this might get me into the top 9 for once (ok twice, I did land there ONCE). No such luck.


I got F...O done and that is when my attention span went elsewhere. I let my mind wander and my mind said "Uh, what the hell you doing? Why are you wasting your time?" So instead:


I scooped out the pumpkin and proceeded making my favorite recipe for seeds.


Here are the unadorned seeds. I love pumpkin seeds more than almost any other snack food. I eat so many of them that sometimes I go back to being 5 years old in my head (wait, maybe that is senile and not going back to 5) and I think that perhaps these seeds might sprout a pumpkin in my gut. THAT is why my stomach looks like that!


Magic potion thrown on the seeds and bake for about an hour total (turning in between).

ABRACADABRA (is that how you spell it?)


ABRACADABRA Pumpkin Seeds (Can you tell I made the name up?) I don't remember where I got this recipe.
Printable Version

2 cups Pumpkin Seeds
2 Tbl Melted Butter
Garlic Salt
1 Tbl Worcestershire Sauce

Preheat the oven to 275 degrees F.

Clean pumpkin seeds and spread onto pan. Put in oven to dry for about 15 minutes.

Stir the pumpkin seeds and butter together, in a large mixing bowl, and add the other ingredients. Stir until everything is well combined, then again spread the pumpkin seeds in one layer on a baking sheet.

Bake for 30 minutes and then turn seeds. Bake for another 30 minutes and then remove from oven and let cool.

These roasted pumpkin seeds can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 6 weeks.

(Makes 2 Cups)

Oh yeah, can you vote for me to be a food ninja? Just go here:


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